Twisted magic. Foul sorcery. Dark corruption.

Weave a Wizardry Web

Frost Clime threatens the Wizard Enclave. Sorcerers and their servants, shape-shifting wyre, have stolen into the city of Tres Lucerna, home to the Enclave.

Alstera is the greatest of the young wizards in the Enclave; she’s treated like the least.

She’s desperate to join the war against Frost Clime, but the chief wizards refuse. Denied her wish, Alstera explores other ways to increase power.

A Fae disguised in glamour courts her aunt Camisse … but for what purpose? Does Camisee have latent power that the Fae will control? Will a forbidden linkage unlock her magic?

And what of Alstera’s cousins, who have joined an outland wizard’s circle? They dabble in twisted magic.

Danger walks the streets of Tres Lucerna, yet the chief wizards refuse to acknowledge it. Rumors fly … of a taboo nexus of power, of vile blood spells, and of enemy shape-shifters in the heart of the Wizard Enclave.

Then wizards are murdered.

A grim future awaits any wizard lured into forbidden Twisted magic,

And a grimmer death awaits wizards caught by the shifters.

Can Alstera escape the spidery lure of corrupted magic? Or will she become the shifters’ next target?

A dark fantasy of twisted magic, Weave a Wizardry Web by Remi Black is first in the Fae Mark’d Wizard series. Dream a Deadly Dream and Sing a Graveyard Song continue the series.

Visit to connect with Remi Black.

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Here’s a W.Ink at the opening scene in To Wield the Wind

first novella in the Spells of Air trilogy, all set in the Fae Mark’d World.

Read a portion of the first chapter below.

Cover by Deranged Doctor Design

LINKS for Purchase ::

Box Set in ebook and paperback


Chapter 1

Orielle guided the dapple-grey gelding along the narrow trail traversing the steep slope of the mountain.

Lights winked in the trees ahead, like the spectrum glints in her mother’s diamond pendant, a gift for the spell she’d worked for the king.

She reined in the horse to watch the dancing lights. On the trek to this height, she’d seen the rainbow-colored lights a few times. The old man who had warned her of the Wilding said that she would see strange things, but this strangeness was beautiful. The lights flitted among the autumn-changed leaves. A cluster darted in and out, winking in unison. Light reflected from sun-glinted water moved randomly. These lights had a fascinating pattern.

Continue reading “To Wield the Wind ~ glimpse of the first chapter”

What is To Wield the Wind?

Here’s a teaser for the fantasy novella >

On a mission for the Wizard Enclave, Orielle ventures into the dangerous Wilding, a strange frontier filled with magical creatures. There she encounters sprites and wraiths, gobbers and wyre.

Cover by Deranged Doctor Design

All view her as prey.

Here are snippet quotations from the novella:

The Wyre

  • After peering around, Orielle lifted a hand. Golden magic limned her fingers, both warning and threat. “Come out and play.”
  • He stood on his toes. Yellow claws extended from his fingers. Wyre. Partially shifted. Real trouble, for wizardry had little defense against a fully shifted wyre.
  • The two wyre jumped. Even fearing them, Orielle admired their grace. They splashed into the water, knees bending to land lightly.
  • Two gobbers tumbled to a stop as the tall figure straightened. He wore hide breeches but no shirt. Golden hair straggled over his bare shoulders. A golden pelt covered his broad chest. Long claws revealed his partial shift. Wyre.

Gobbers, Wraiths and other Terrors

  • Shifting fog caught her eyes. She gasped as the fog lifted from the ground. Misty tendrils rose, a cloudy mass that shaped into a head and thin shoulders, a torso with separating arms, wisps of hands and elongated fingers. Wraith.
  • The silvery glow left the gobber’s round eyes. It yowled. Stubby claws jerked at her skirt. The shifting weight destroyed her balance. Orielle stumbled to her knees.
  • She tugged hard. The icy-fanged wind ripped at her exposed skin. Gritting her teeth, Orielle hauled back with her whole weight. “Let him go!” she flung at the fanged wind.

Dark Fae known as the Kyrgy

  • Bone-white horses threaded through the trees. Snow-white riders wore cloaks of ice blue and storm purple. In their frozen marble faces, black eyes spoke for them. ‘Who? From where? From when? Why?’
  • “Kyrgy deal in bargains, my offer matched to yours. Remember that. You have much to learn of the Wilding,” Lady Bone warned. “I hope you survive to complete our bargain.”
  • The rider swung her sword again, cleaving downward. Volk’s blow shattered Saircuista’s sword.

Her only Ally ~

  • The Rhoghieri had more weapons than the sword he hadn’t used. Knives, including a long belt knife as thin as a poniard. He looked like a man heading for trouble, not just happening upon it.
  • “That’s three questions,” Grim protested. “You could let me answer one question, Orielle, before you jump to the next.”

Buy it here.

View the trailer for the entire trilogy here:






The third Fantasy in an Alternate medieval World,

part of the Seasons in Sansward

Winter Sorcery

Book 3 in the Seasons in Sansward Quarternary

When a Gitane WitchMaster pursues two Frenc spies who stole a sphere of power, can a half-trained mage and a simple temple cleric help them escape?

Just as their cover is blown, the spies Rolf and Catal stumble upon a greater secret:  the Kaerrefiorne, a blood-fed globe that will connect every Gitane Witch.  They steal this orb that will complete the witches’ connection and escape into snow-smothered Arlas.

When Catal is severely wounded, two clerics at a Protectorate temple outpost become the Frenc spies only hope.  Legeeta and Niijai, a Green mage with unschooled powers, do not know they harbor Frenc spies.

Rolf takes the orb to the border to keep it safe from the pursuing Watrani.  He is not an hour from the temple when the troop arrives.

With the Watrani is Keipven, a WitchMaster.  He recognizes Niijai’s magic as a potent replacement for the orb.

If he can bend her power to his will, his own puissance increases.  If he can twist her to sorcery, the Gitane Witches become that much stronger against the Mages.  If he can neither control her nor twist her, then he will kill her.

Will Catal be discovered and killed as a spy?

Will Rolf stumble into the Watrani when he returns?

And will Niijai be destroyed by Keipven, alive and enslaved to his plans or bloody and dead on the snowy fields of Arlas?

Available Here.