What is To Wield the Wind?

Here’s a teaser for the fantasy novella >

On a mission for the Wizard Enclave, Orielle ventures into the dangerous Wilding, a strange frontier filled with magical creatures. There she encounters sprites and wraiths, gobbers and wyre.

Cover by Deranged Doctor Design

All view her as prey.

Here are snippet quotations from the novella:

The Wyre

  • After peering around, Orielle lifted a hand. Golden magic limned her fingers, both warning and threat. “Come out and play.”
  • He stood on his toes. Yellow claws extended from his fingers. Wyre. Partially shifted. Real trouble, for wizardry had little defense against a fully shifted wyre.
  • The two wyre jumped. Even fearing them, Orielle admired their grace. They splashed into the water, knees bending to land lightly.
  • Two gobbers tumbled to a stop as the tall figure straightened. He wore hide breeches but no shirt. Golden hair straggled over his bare shoulders. A golden pelt covered his broad chest. Long claws revealed his partial shift. Wyre.

Gobbers, Wraiths and other Terrors

  • Shifting fog caught her eyes. She gasped as the fog lifted from the ground. Misty tendrils rose, a cloudy mass that shaped into a head and thin shoulders, a torso with separating arms, wisps of hands and elongated fingers. Wraith.
  • The silvery glow left the gobber’s round eyes. It yowled. Stubby claws jerked at her skirt. The shifting weight destroyed her balance. Orielle stumbled to her knees.
  • She tugged hard. The icy-fanged wind ripped at her exposed skin. Gritting her teeth, Orielle hauled back with her whole weight. “Let him go!” she flung at the fanged wind.

Dark Fae known as the Kyrgy

  • Bone-white horses threaded through the trees. Snow-white riders wore cloaks of ice blue and storm purple. In their frozen marble faces, black eyes spoke for them. ‘Who? From where? From when? Why?’
  • “Kyrgy deal in bargains, my offer matched to yours. Remember that. You have much to learn of the Wilding,” Lady Bone warned. “I hope you survive to complete our bargain.”
  • The rider swung her sword again, cleaving downward. Volk’s blow shattered Saircuista’s sword.

Her only Ally ~

  • The Rhoghieri had more weapons than the sword he hadn’t used. Knives, including a long belt knife as thin as a poniard. He looked like a man heading for trouble, not just happening upon it.
  • “That’s three questions,” Grim protested. “You could let me answer one question, Orielle, before you jump to the next.”

Buy it here.

View the trailer for the entire trilogy here:






Assassination.  A fugitive comtesse.  A lethal sleep-spell. 

Wyre and wraiths.  Wizardry against sorcery.  And regicide.

In Dream a Deadly Dream, a sorcerer’s plot to kill the king weaves together past and present, dream and reality, to create a nightmare that can kill.

The Fugitive Comtesse

For three years Cherai, the comtesse Muirée, has hidden from the conspirators who assassinated her father.  Now, in the weeping season, a sorcerer has woven a lethal sleep-snare to entrap her.  Although she doesn’t know it, she holds the key to the conspirators’ chance to seize the throne of Vaermonde, a chance thwarted when they killed her father too quickly.  The poisoned nightmares sent by the sorcerer will compel Cherai to turn herself over to her father’s murderers.

Only a chance-met wizard can free her from the sorcerous sleep-spell.

The Exiled Wizard

Alstera wandered into Vaermonde, seeking an opportunity to rid herself of the bindings on her power.  When she encounters Cherai, she realizes the nightmares are caused by a sorcerer.  Breaking a simple sleep-spell without any expectation of extrinsic reward should remove one of the bindings.  Selfishly, she attaches herself to Cherai.

Yet the sleep-spell is not a simple one:  it is a powerful sleep-snare, designed to kill once the conspirators have the document that Cherai’s father hid.  Alstera must use forbidden blood-magic—another crime against wizardry—to slip her powers through the binding sigils tattooed on her wrists.

Will the poisoned nightmares kill Cherai?  Can Alstera free her from the sorcerer’s web before the conspirators kill the king?  Threats come from both enemies and friends, from steely blades and magickal spells.

Dream a Deadly Dream, a novel of 119,000 words, is the second book in the Fae Mark’d Wizard series. 

1st is Weave a Wizardry Web

3rd is Sing A Graveyard Song

Visit Remi Black’s blog or her page on this website to discover more.


View the Weave a Wizardry web Trailer https://youtu.be/jePz27U2Y6U