Welcome to A Trio of Dangers

hazardous mysteries blended with historical romance.

Amateur sleuths solve Hazardous Mysteries in A Trio of Dangers, a collection of three novels set in Regency England.

A serial killer stalks the idyllic countryside.

A vindictive French spy-catcher seeks the double agent who escaped him a decade ago.

A past murder comes to light during an arson.


The Dangers of Secrets

A baffling murder interrupts a charming romance in The Danger of Secrets.

Maddy Whittaker encounters secrets of family, secrets of the heart, and secrets of blood and pain, all served up for Valentine’s Day. Her flirtation with Gordon, Lord Musgrove, is a pleasant distraction.

Too bad for Maddy and Gordon that secrets can kill.


The Dangers for Spies

A cunning killer hunts the spies who escaped him.

Eugenie DesChamps wants nothing more than her paintings, her friendships in a bucolic English village, and her flirtation with Charles Audley. She wants to forget her past life as a double agent working for England.

The past is never forgotten. Tor the French spy who tried to kill her discovers her when he tracks down the English cryptographer Charles Audley.

Blood will be spilled before the past is purged


The Dangers to Hearts

Arson uncovers a baffling murder from the past.

Agatha’s lover abandoned her a decade ago. Jess Carter barely escaped arrest for smuggling. Neither expects romance.

Then hatred burns into a fire in the night. The arson reveals an old murder. The vanished fiancé didn’t leave—he was murdered.

Who is the arsonist? Who is the murderer? Are they the same person? Or two separate people poisoned by hatred?

Will Agatha and Jess be destroyed before they can find love together?

Enjoy A Trio of Dangers.

Available ebook and paperback from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CTP5G7R

Also available at online distributors worldwide, like Kobo and Barnes & Noble. Link to come.


the Heart-Pounding Puzzles of A Trio of Games

The smugglers in A Game of Secrets,

Tricky Twists of A Game of Spies,

& mURDER mOST fOUL IN A Game of Hearts

Regency mysteries and suspense with a dash of romance.

My first three books ever published, way back in 2015,

collected into A Trio of Games.

A Trio of Games offers my first three mysteries.

Long before I dreamed of publishing, A Game of Secrets rescued me from a dark time of life. Then came A Game of Spies at another dark time. In 2013, when I realized self-publication was not only possible but a reality, I began writing A Game of Hearts. Indie publishing was a dream coming true, and these three novels began my writing career.

These weren’t the first novels I penned, but they were the first to enter the publishing world and be offered to readers, in October of 2015. Even in that month, the whole 12-book Hearts in Hazard series was just a dream.

This Trio of Games

The individual books are available in ebook and paperback formats while the collections are ebook only. All of the novels are available in wide distribution: Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Amazon, and many other distributors. Find your favorite online bookstore, and search for the individual titles or the series title under my pen name of M.A. Lee.

You can find the collection A Trio of Games at Amazon, available at this link, and at worldwide distribution with this link.

Throughout the summer, the other collected novels will come out of Amazon exclusivity and enter worldwide distribution. They are A Trio of Dangers, A Trio of Keys, and A Trio of Hazards.

It will be a busy summer of publishing for me, and a busy summer of reading for you!

Sink into the best reading: 3 heart-pounding puzzles in A Trio of Games.

The Dangers to Hearts

Do broken hearts destroy all dreams?

Or will murder destroy the dreams?


Years ago, Agatha Helmes’ lover abandoned her.  When her baby died at birth, she thought all her hopes for the future had ended.

She poured herself into her family’s farm, but in the last year, mismanagement by three different stewards has the farm losing more money than she can pour into it.

Jess Carter occasionally crewed for a known smuggler to bring a little extra into his home.  He fell for a maid working at the Hawthorn Inn.  Then the smuggling ring was arrested.  The woman he thought he loved married another man.  With a bruised heart for company, he packed up all his possessions and left his home.

Not knowing where to go, Jess consulted the smugglers’ fence Richard Helmes who directed him to Helmes Farm to assist the current steward.  His cousin Agatha Helmes, he says, will hire anyone he sends to her.

When Jess arrives, the current steward is assaulting Agatha.  He routs the old steward and finds himself in a job he doesn’t understand, taking advice and orders from a woman.

Agatha knows only one thing about her new steward:  he doesn’t lie.  Jess admits what he knows and doesn’t know about farming.  He admits that he is avoiding arrest for smuggling.  That is more than she can say about her former stewards and her former fiancé.

Trust between Agatha and Jess grows from a seed to a mighty oak.  Attraction entwines them with compatibility and grows the first tendrils of love.

Then the steward’s cottage is set on fire, and Jess barely escapes.

The burned house reveals an old murder as the bones of Agatha’s former lover are discovered—with a bullet hole in the skull.

And the deed to Helmes Farm and other documents go missing.

With Agatha’s cousin trying to steal her farm, can Jess reveal her cousin hired him to watch out for his interests?

Will the constable investigating the new arson and the old murder think Agatha guilty of murdering her lover when he wouldn’t marry her?

And will their new love survive the questions and confusion?

The Dangers to Hearts is a sweet romantic suspense of approximately 50,000 words.  While the novel is the sixth in the Hazards to Hearts series, it is complete and contains no cliffhangers.  The character of Jess Carter was introduced in the first Hearts in Hazard book, A Game of Secrets.  Reading that novel will enrich your experience, but it is not necessary.

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Purchase at online book distributors like Kobo and Barnes & Noble, Apple and Google, and many others. 

Or head over to Amazon for the Kindle ebook or paperback version.