First Off:  a new cover for A Game of Spies,

the second book in the Hearts in Hazard series

by M.A. Lee. 

Originally published in November 2015, the cover needed updating after M.A. Lee’s HnH books 4, 5, and 6 came out in Spring 2017.  Here’s a first look at the new cover.

Giles Hargreaves is hunting a French spy who somehow manages to steal government documents.  Josette amuses herself playing whist at salons hosted by her sister-in-law.  When Giles and Josette met, they are attracted immediately. 

But he believes she is connected to the French spy.

And she thinks he will break her heart.

Giles and Josette have their first serious conversation on a settee under a stairway in the Sourantine house.  The cover models perfectly capture that scene from the book.

The cover designer at Deranged Doctor Design combined the old cover with the new in a clever way.  The playing cards and the sealed letters from the old cover along with the dominant color image transfer from the old to the new while the focus is on the couple.

Here’s the former cover image.  I still love it, but I love the new one more.

A Game of Spies by M. A. Lee

After Publishing, What’s Next?

For a writer, it’s freaky hard to go to a site that has THE BOOK for sale, type in the name of the author, and nothing comes up for three or four pages.

A writer with part of my name shows up first in the Amazon Kindle store.  And then, oh the ignominy, the other writer with exactly my name shows up before my books do . . . and this after I did research before my first published book to ensure that no other Amazon writer was using my name.

Oh well.

Okay, all is not lost.  We can do a search for the title.

Digging into Death . . . Bam!  Got it in one.

A Game of Secrets . . . not on the first three pages.

A Game of Spies . . . 2nd page!  Yippee!

A Game of Hearts . . . Wow! 1st page.

The Danger of Secrets . . . 1st page.  Yippee!  Yippee!

The Danger for Spies . . . Success!  1st page, second one listed.  Wait, the first book doesn’t even have The Danger for Spies as a title.  šŸ™

The Danger to Hearts . . . 1st page, first one listed.  2nd Coming of Happiness!  Bliss Again!

But my author page doesn’t come up quickly unless you find one of my books and then click on my name.

And you can find the Hearts in Hazard series just by typing “Hearts in Hazard”.

Indie Challenges

Indie Writers face many challenges long after they have a story they believe is ready for print.

We want to present the best manuscript, one that is polished and as error free as possible.  100% perfection is not possible . . . so we strive for the highest level that is.

Then we can make a cover for ourselves or find someone who can do it at a cost we can afford.

I knew I couldn’t make a good cover.  I am artistically creative as well as verbally so, but a professional designer knows to look for things and add things in and use balance and proportion in ways that I never thought.

Plus, a professional designer knows the photoshop program they are using.  I would have a huge learning curve.  Shouldn’t I spend my time writing?

It took me 18 months to find a cover designer that fit my aesthetic.  I found Deranged Doctor Design by sheer luck . . . for a “God wink”.  They are life savers, believe me.  During my 18-month search, I worked on other books, which enabled me to put out three books back to back, all on one day in October of 2015: my first three books, the first three in the Hearts in Hazard trilogy, a one-two-three punch.

DDD is the BEST!  I love working with them.  Their covers are lovely, no matter in which genre they are working.  They provide options and previews, and they are willing to switch things around.  They are clear in what they can and cannot do.  DDD works within a time frame that I understand.  They have a great template that pulls from the author the information they need to work with.  DDD is brave for working with Indie Writers.


After the writing and the editing and the cover designer, the job of an Indie Writer is not over.  Marketing comes next.  I am still working on this one.

Discoverability is now on my bookshelf.  By Kristine Kathryn Rusch, it discusses what a writer needs to know about getting their works to the audience in the current state of the reading marketplace.

Getting the book out there, getting the name out there, attracting attention with the right cover and the right blurb and the right audience, these are the five essentials for all Indie Writers.

But I’ll keep writing, and hopefully the discoverability will happen soon. šŸ˜‰

I did drink the water in Greenville, MS!

~ M.A. Lee


A Game of Spies

A Card-Sharp in Skirts

With a talent for whist, Josette Sourantine has charge of the card room at every Sourantine salon.

She flirts with the cynical rake Tobias Kennit and the handsome society prize Lord Gordon Musgrove.  Yet it is the mysterious Giles Hargreaves who intrigues her.

The Hidden Spycatcher

Col. Giles Hargreaves, son of the Marquess of Grasmere, has found the ƩmigrƩ spying for Napoleon, but he cannot arrest her until he locates the source feeding her vital government secrets.

He attends the Sourantine salons hoping to locate the man stealing the information for Celeste which she then smuggles to France.  He decides to dally with Celeste only to be distracted by the lovely Josette.

Can a Spycatcher love a Spy?

Has Giles blinded himself to the extent of the spy ring?  As sister to the French spy, Josette must be embroiled in the betrayal of England.

Is Josette giving her heart to a rake who merely dallies with her?  How can Giles love her when they have known each other so briefly?

A Net Closes, but Giles didn’t cast it!

When Josette is caught in a net designed to tangle up the English as the French spies escape, will Giles lose her just when heā€™s given his heart to her?


To the Reader:  A Game of Spies follows A Game of Secrets, which is a complete novel with no cliff-hangers.  While readers may find that reading the first novel creates a fuller experience, it is not necessary to read it in order to enjoy this book.  And while the trilogy concludes with A Game of Hearts, another novel that stands on its own, A Game of Spies does not end with a cliff-hanger.

The Trailer

How to Purchase: Ebook or Paperback.


A Game of Secrets

No Damsel in Distress

Kate Charteris never expected to become a damsel in distress, yet she becomes just that when she must flee her cousinā€™s unwanted attentions.

While she might be alone in Regency England, her parents deceased and family friends still with Wellingtonā€™s army in Portugal and Spain, she is no damsel who faints at the first sight of a dragon-like trouble.

Seeking a Spy

On the hunt for the lair of smugglers and spies for Napoleon, Tony Farraday never expected to fall hard for a damsel not quite in distress.  He collides with Kate on a city street and feels instant attraction.

Yet Kate must catch the mail coach before it leaves, and Tony still needs orders from the spycatcher Giles Hargreaves.

Re-United in a Nest of Smugglers

Neither expects to meet again at a run-down inn on the English coast.  On a crumbling cliffside, they vow to keep each otherā€™s secrets and pretend to be strangers.  Yet that initial spark of attraction catches flame strongly and obviously, jeopardizing their pretense.

The French spy arrives, demanding immediate passage across the Channel to take vital information to Napoleon.  Kate befriends the spy, but she is playing a dangerous game.

  Tony hopes to delay the spy long enough for Giles Hargreaves to arrest her and the smugglersā€”only to be caught in a trap.

Yet More Trouble Arrives

When Kateā€™s cousin arrives, can she evade him long enough to help Tony escape?  Or have they both lost this Game of Secrets?

A Game of Secrets is a complete novel without a cliff-hanger, but the danger continues in A Game of Spies.

The Trailer


The Purchase? in Ebook or Paperback.


The Wednesday W.Ink offers a glimpse of Digging into Death, a post-WW I mystery set on the island of Crete.

Chapter 1 :: Saturday, October 4, 1919

If ever a maiden needed a hero, Isabella did.

Crete was the famed birthplace of Zeus, the god who granted supplicantsā€™ prayers. Standing on the steps of the Heraklion Hotel, Isabella hoped her hero appeared before a blood sacrifice was necessary.

She plunked down her suitcase on the hotel steps and fanned her wide-brimmed straw hat.  In ancient Crete the rulers had offered shelter and protection to strangers.  Yet in the closed faces of the passers-by, intent on their errands, she did not see any hospitality offered to a foreign woman alone.  She needed a recognizable and friendly face.  She didnā€™t see one.

Men talking, engines sputtering, horns blaring, dogs barking, donkeys braying:  after the hotelā€™s quiet, the cacophony assaulted her ears.  Men poured past the steps with scarcely a glance at her.  Most wore the dark Cretan jacket and loose breeches, although a few suits testified to modern Europeā€™s inroads on island culture.  A few women in unrelieved black walked along the dusty road, but they ignored the lone foreigner on the hotel steps.

Isabella saw no one familiar and definitely no one who looked like the reincarnation of a protective god and certainly no one who could rescue a stranded governess.

Continue reading “Free Fiction: ch 1 of Digging into Death”

October is a major celebratory month for M.A. Lee.


First, it’s her launch month.

(To follow the month-long celebration of everything published, visit M.A. Lee (

Back in 2015, she began self-publishing with her first three novels in the Hearts in Hazard 12-book series.

As a rapid release (a term she now understands much better), on October 21 she published

  1. A Game of Secrets

    Cover by Deranged Doctor Design
  2. A Game of Spies
  3. A Game of Hearts

Purchase or View A Game of SecretsĀ at these links:

TrailerĀ Ā  Ā

FindĀ A Game of Spies at these links:

TrailerĀ Ā  Ā

AndĀ A Game of Hearts is here:

TrailerĀ Ā  Ā

These are bundled together in an ebookĀ A Trio of Games ~Ā the bundle published in the summer of 2020.

available here:Ā


One year later / 2016 / M.A. Lee Starts a 2nd series.

Digging into Death with Isabella Newcombe, artist at an archaeological dig on the island of Crete in 1919. Isabella confronts thieves and murderers.

Digging into Death published on the 1st of the month.Ā Links are here:

Trailer Ā

The bundleĀ Into Death with the first three books is here!

The Into Death bundle, ebook only,

In 2019, M.A. Lee Pubbed the 5th and Final writers’ guidebook in the Discovering series.

TheĀ DiscoveringĀ series offers specific information in crucial areas every writer needs to understand.

The last book in the series,Ā Discovering Sentence Craft, works at the base levels: sentences and words.

Cover offers the A to Z options!
  • Need to understand irony?
  • Or allusion?
  • Or implied metaphor?
  • What about rhetorical structures like asyndeton, auxesis, and zeugma?

This book explains the concepts and structures that help a writer shine, wax lyrical, or strongly present a debatable point.

WithĀ DiscSentCraft, M.A. Lee reached over 2 million published words in a five-year period: 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019.

Check out this link to find the individual book.

Also available is the paperback of the bundled Discovering Your Writing,Ā for every writer’s shelf.


Let’s all Celebrate an auspicious beginning!