Free Fiction

Take a W.Ink with a First Chapter Glimpse.

Edie Roones’ fantasy Summer Sieges,  ordinary people battling extraordinary odds and foul sorcery.   


              Chapter 1
Summer Sieges by Edie Roones

Her body jerked.

Beren muddled her way up.  Slowly.  Into the pain.

Another jerk.

Return was . . . sluggish.  A great darkness.  A lesser one.  She wanted to retreat from waking, crawl back into the deep blackness, but pain pulsed in her head and throbbed along her arm, denying any escape.

Her body jerked again.

Hands were on her.  At her hips.  Metal clinking.  A lift.  She groaned.

The hands stilled then gave another jerk that peeled something from beneath her.

And then a growl, deep, predatory.  As black as the darkness.  Danger as old as time.

Whoever had pulled at her scrambled away.  She tried to open her eyes then realized they were open, to night-black.  The dancing lights weren’t in her throbbing head.  They were torches bobbing, some bigger and brighter, others distant, like the will o’wisps that hovered over deepest springs and in magickal glades.

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